Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 (2nd Edition)
Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 - Second Edition (1997)(Microsoft Press).iso
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356 lines
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "GRegTool"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = True
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit
Public Enum EErrorRegTool
eeBaseRegTool = 13590 ' RegTool
End Enum
Const sWin = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\"
Const sExp = "CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders"
Const sWinExp = sWin & sExp
Const sBack = "\"
Function GetRegValue(ByVal hKey As Long, sName As String, _
vValue As Variant) As Long
Dim cData As Long, sData As String, ordType As Long, e As Long
e = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, sName, pNull, ordType, 0&, cData)
If e And e <> ERROR_MORE_DATA Then Exit Function
Select Case ordType
Dim iData As Long
e = RegQueryValueExInt(hKey, sName, pNull, _
ordType, iData, cData)
vValue = iData
Case REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN ' Unlikely, but you never know
Dim dwData As Long
e = RegQueryValueExInt(hKey, sName, pNull, _
ordType, dwData, cData)
vValue = MBytes.SwapEndian(dwData)
Case REG_SZ, REG_MULTI_SZ ' Same thing to Visual Basic
sData = String$(cData - 1, 0)
e = RegQueryValueExStr(hKey, sName, pNull, _
ordType, sData, cData)
vValue = sData
sData = String$(cData - 1, 0)
e = RegQueryValueExStr(hKey, sName, pNull, _
ordType, sData, cData)
vValue = MUtility.ExpandEnvStr(sData)
' Catch REG_BINARY and anything else
Case Else
Dim abData() As Byte
ReDim abData(cData)
e = RegQueryValueExByte(hKey, sName, pNull, _
ordType, abData(0), cData)
vValue = abData
End Select
GetRegValue = e
End Function
Function CreateRegValue(vValueA As Variant, ByVal hKeyA As Long, _
Optional sNameA As String) As Long
Dim c As Long, e As Long, ordType As Long
Select Case VarType(vValueA)
Case vbArray + vbByte
Dim ab() As Byte
ab = vValueA
ordType = REG_BINARY
c = UBound(ab) - LBound(ab) - 1
e = RegSetValueExByte(hKeyA, sNameA, pNull, ordType, ab(0), c)
Case vbLong, vbInteger
Dim i As Long
i = vValueA
ordType = REG_DWORD
e = RegSetValueExInt(hKeyA, sNameA, pNull, ordType, i, 4)
Case vbString
Dim s As String, iPos As Long
s = vValueA
ordType = REG_SZ
' Assume anything with two non-adjacent percents is expanded string
iPos = InStr(s, "%")
If iPos Then
If InStr(iPos + 2, s, "%") Then ordType = REG_EXPAND_SZ
End If
c = Len(s) + 1
e = RegSetValueExStr(hKeyA, sNameA, pNull, ordType, s, c)
' User should convert to a compatible type before calling
Case Else
End Select
CreateRegValue = e
End Function
Function GetRegValueNext(ByVal hKey As Long, _
i As Long, _
sName As String, _
vValue As Variant) As Long
Dim cName As Long, cData As Long, sData As String
Dim ordType As Long, cJunk As Long, ft As FILETIME
Static hKeyPrev As Long, cNameMax As Long
' When enumerating, cache required data the first time
If hKeyPrev <> hKey Or cNameMax = 0 Then
hKeyPrev = hKey
GetRegValueNext = _
RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, sNullStr, cJunk, pNull, _
cJunk, cJunk, cJunk, cJunk, _
cNameMax, cJunk, cJunk, ft)
If GetRegValueNext Then Exit Function
End If
' Get the value name and type in the first call
vValue = Empty
cName = cNameMax + 1
sName = String$(cName, 0)
GetRegValueNext = _
RegEnumValue(hKey, i, sName, cName, _
pNull, ordType, pNull, cData)
If GetRegValueNext Then
If GetRegValueNext <> ERROR_MORE_DATA Then
Exit Function
End If
End If
sName = Left$(sName, cName)
' Handle each type separately
Select Case ordType
Dim iData As Long
GetRegValueNext = _
RegEnumValueInt(hKey, i, sName, cName + 1, _
pNull, ordType, iData, cData)
vValue = iData
Case REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN ' Unlikely, but you never know
Dim dwData As Long
GetRegValueNext = _
RegEnumValueInt(hKey, i, sName, cName + 1, _
pNull, ordType, dwData, cData)
vValue = MBytes.SwapEndian(dwData)
Case REG_SZ, REG_MULTI_SZ ' Same thing to Visual Basic
sData = String$(cData - 1, 0)
GetRegValueNext = _
RegEnumValueStr(hKey, i, sName, cName + 1, _
pNull, ordType, sData, cData)
vValue = sData
Case REG_EXPAND_SZ ' Expand environment variables
sData = String$(cData - 1, 0)
GetRegValueNext = _
RegEnumValueStr(hKey, i, sName, cName + 1, _
pNull, ordType, sData, cData)
vValue = MUtility.ExpandEnvStr(sData)
Case Else ' Catch REG_BINARY and anything else
Dim abData() As Byte
ReDim abData(cData)
GetRegValueNext = _
RegEnumValueByte(hKey, i, sName, cName + 1, _
pNull, ordType, _
abData(0), cData)
vValue = abData
End Select
End Function
Function GetRegNodeNext(ByVal hKey As Long, i As Long, sName As String) As Long
Dim cName As Long, cJunk As Long, ft As FILETIME
Static hKeyPrev As Long, cNameMax As Long
If hKeyPrev <> hKey Or cNameMax = 0 Then
hKeyPrev = hKey
GetRegNodeNext = RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, sNullStr, cJunk, pNull, _
cJunk, cNameMax, cJunk, cJunk, _
cJunk, cJunk, cJunk, ft)
If GetRegNodeNext Then Exit Function
End If
cName = cNameMax + 1
sName = String$(cName, 0)
GetRegNodeNext = RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, i, sName, cName, _
pNull, sNullStr, cJunk, ft)
sName = Left$(sName, cName)
End Function
Function CreateRegNode(ByVal hKey As Long, sKeyNew As String, _
hKeyNew As Long, Optional fExisted As Boolean, _
Optional ByVal afAccess As Long = KEY_ALL_ACCESS _
) As Long
Dim e As Long, ordResult As Long
CreateRegNode = RegCreateKeyEx(hKey, sKeyNew, 0&, sEmpty, _
afAccess, pNull, _
hKeyNew, ordResult)
fExisted = (ordResult = REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY)
End Function
' Delete node, but only if it has no subnodes (emulate WinNT RegDeleteKey)
Function DeleteOneRegNode(ByVal hKeyRoot As Long, sKey As String) As Long
If MUtility.IsNT Then
DeleteOneRegNode = RegDeleteKey(hKeyRoot, sKey)
' Check to see if there are subnodes
Dim cJunk As Long, e As Long, cNode As Long, ft As FILETIME
e = RegQueryInfoKey(hKeyRoot, sNullStr, cJunk, _
pNull, cNode, cJunk, cJunk, _
cJunk, cJunk, cJunk, cJunk, ft)
' Delete only if no nodes
If cNode = 0 Then
DeleteOneRegNode = RegDeleteKey(hKeyRoot, sKey)
End If
End If
End Function
' Delete node and all its subnodes (emulate Win95 RegDeleteKey)
Function DeleteRegNodes(ByVal hKeyRoot As Long, sKey As String) As Long
Dim sKeyT As String, hSubKey As Long, ft As FILETIME
' Try to delete whole thing--always works for Win95, but fails on
' nodes with subnodes in WinNT
DeleteRegNodes = RegDeleteKey(hKeyRoot, sKey)
If DeleteRegNodes = ERROR_SUCCESS Then Exit Function
DeleteRegNodes = RegOpenKeyEx(hKeyRoot, sKey, 0, _
' Delete each subnode
Do While DeleteRegNodes = ERROR_SUCCESS
sKeyT = String$(cMaxPath, 0)
DeleteRegNodes = RegEnumKeyEx(hSubKey, 0, sKeyT, cMaxPath, _
pNull, sNullStr, 0, ft)
sKeyT = MUtility.StrZToStr(sKeyT)
' Recursive call to remove node and any subnodes
If DeleteRegNodes = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
DeleteRegNodes = DeleteRegNodes(hSubKey, sKeyT)
End If
Call RegCloseKey(hSubKey)
' Try to delete root again
DeleteRegNodes = RegDeleteKey(hKeyRoot, sKey)
End Function
Function GetRegStr(sKey As String, sItem As String, _
Optional ByVal hRoot As EROOTKEY _
Dim e As Long, hKey As Long, s As String
' Open a subkey
e = RegOpenKeyEx(hRoot, sKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, hKey)
ApiRaiseIf e
Dim ert As EREGTYPE, c As Long
' Get the length and make sure it's a string
e = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, sItem, 0&, ert, 0&, c)
ApiRaiseIf e
BugAssert ert = REG_SZ
If c <> 0 Then
s = String$(c - 1, 0)
' Read the string
e = RegQueryValueExStr(hKey, sItem, 0&, ert, s, c)
ApiRaiseIf e
End If
RegCloseKey hKey
GetRegStr = s
End Function
Function GetRegInt(sKey As String, sItem As String, _
) As Long
Dim e As Long, hKey As Long
' Open a subkey
e = RegOpenKeyEx(hRoot, sKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, hKey)
ApiRaiseIf e
Dim ert As EREGTYPE, iVal As Long, c As Long
' Get the length and make sure it's an integer
e = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, sItem, 0&, ert, 0&, c)
ApiRaiseIf e
BugAssert ert = REG_DWORD
If c <> 0 Then
' Read the integer
e = RegQueryValueExInt(hKey, sItem, 0&, ert, iVal, c)
ApiRaiseIf e
End If
RegCloseKey hKey
GetRegInt = iVal
End Function
' Get key locations in registry
Function GetDesktop() As String
GetDesktop = GetRegStr(sWinExp, "Desktop") & sBack
End Function
Function GetFavorites() As String
GetFavorites = GetRegStr(sWinExp, "Favorites") & sBack
End Function
Function GetStartMenu() As String
GetStartMenu = GetRegStr(sWinExp, "Start Menu") & sBack
End Function
Function GetStartup() As String
GetStartup = GetRegStr(sWinExp, "Startup") & sBack
End Function
Function GetPrograms() As String
GetPrograms = GetRegStr(sWinExp, "Programs") & sBack
End Function
Function GetAppData() As String
GetAppData = GetRegStr(sWinExp, "AppData") & sBack
End Function
Function GetCommonDesktop() As String
GetCommonDesktop = GetRegStr(sWinExp, "Common Desktop") & sBack
End Function
Function GetCommonStartMenu() As String
GetCommonStartMenu = GetRegStr(sWinExp, "Common Start Menu") & sBack
End Function
Function GetCommonStartup() As String
GetCommonStartup = GetRegStr(sWinExp, "Common Startup") & sBack
End Function
Function GetCommonPrograms() As String
GetCommonPrograms = GetRegStr(sWinExp, "Common Programs") & sBack
End Function
#If fComponent = 0 Then
Private Sub ErrRaise(e As Long)
Dim sText As String, sSource As String
If e > 1000 Then
sSource = App.ExeName & ".RegTool"
Select Case e
Case eeBaseRegTool
BugAssert True
' Case ee...
' Add additional errors
End Select
Err.Raise COMError(e), sSource, sText
' Raise standard Visual Basic error
sSource = App.ExeName & ".VBError"
Err.Raise e, sSource
End If
End Sub
#End If